Top 5 tips for shooting in low-light on your Nokia Lumia

Monday, 8 October 2012

Top 5 tips for shooting in low-light on your Nokia Lumia

Hello my dear friends in my last post i have told about the Nokia NFC Technologies which is used in Nokia Lumia 920, but here i am going to explain how Nokia Lumia 920 camera is work in Low light.

The Nokia Lumia 920 PureView has been designed to take the best possible photos in low-light conditions but there are ways you can get stunning results with your current Nokia Lumia 800 or Nokia Lumia 610 smartphone.

Nokia leads the way in camera technology and PureView is the most advanced system in the world. The latest developments in PureView have especially targeted the issue of taking photos in low-light conditions.
Nokia Lumia 920 PureView low-light challenge versus iPhone 5, HTC One X, Galaxy S III.

However, if you own a current Nokia Lumia you can get the best possible low-light photos simply by following our handy tips:

1: Steady your Nokia Lumia

Low-light conditions often result in blurred photos and images often tend to pick up the slightly sense of movement from the camera. That’s why, whenever possible you need to steady the camera either by placing it on a tripod, or using a surface such as a wall, table top or even the roof of a car if needs be. Anything to reduce the sense of movement and add a steadying hand to the camera.

2: Longer shutter speeds

The camera sensor on your Nokia Lumia smartphone is essentially a box that lets in right and interprets it into an image. It’s the aperture setting, referred to as the Exposure Value (EV) in your Nokia Lumia camera settings that controls the amount of light into the sensor.
Essentially, the more light coming into the lens, or the wider the Exposure Value, the quicker your shutter speed will be and crisper the photos as a result. Set your Exposure Value to its widest setting, so that the most light available is entering your Nokia Lumia lens.

3: Raise that ISO

The ISO settings on your Nokia Lumia camera control its sensitivity to light. So you’ll find that the higher the number the more sensitive it is, which is what you’re after in low-light conditions. By default, the ISO rating on your Nokia Lumia camera is automatic but you can raise it in the settings quite easily.
Most experienced photographers will raise the ISO in their camera to 400 or 800 (and even higher) for low-light conditions, as this will introduce as little noise to the shot as possible. Your Nokia Lumia has a top-end ISO setting of 800, so experiment with this and the lower 400 ISO rating to see which you prefer and offers you the bets results.

4: Burst is best

This may sound a little obvious but the more photos you take, the more likely you are to get the shot you want. That’s why in low-light conditions it’s best to work in burst mode, take more photos rather than hanging all your hopes on that one shot. 
If you’ve downloaded and installed Nokia Camera Extras on your Nokia Lumia then you’re already to make the most of burst mode simply by selecting Action Shot as this will take multiple images simply by you holding the Capture button down. Once you’ve finished shooting you can then select the shot(s) that work best for you.

5: Perfect that composition

Point and shoot may work fine when you’re in a brightly lit room or outside in the sunshine. However, in darker and low-light conditions you need to think more about the shape of things, where the areas of light and shade are and play to those strengths. The trick here is to have a little more forethought into the results you’er after, rather than just trying to capture the moment.
There is no right or wrong way to get the composition that works for you, other than trial an error. Don’t rely on the automatic settings of your Nokia Lumia camera, vary the exposure and ISO ratings and experiment with the results, you may well find you have a keener eye than you thought!
Got any more top tips for shooting in low-light on your Nokia Lumia smartphone? 
Let us know in the Comments below.


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